The never ending early years:

As I mentioned Mom remarried when I was 10 to a Baptist Minister. Up to this point we had been raised as Catholics, so the whole Priest, Nun, communion and the kneeling, standing, kneeling, standing, well you get the picture it was all we knew. So the whole religious confusion state set in and I was unsure if I should say a Hail Mary or sing Amazing Grace.

We moved out of my childhood neighborhood, away from my school and friends and everything that I knew to my new step father’s 40 acre hobby farm. I say hobby because the only animals he had were a big old dog and a mule. Who both soon became my best friends. Even at the age of 10 I preferred pets company over most people. So far in my young life not too many people had proven to me to be nice or trustworthy. I wasn’t shy by any means. I’d talk to anyone who would listen but I trusted no one.

We soon started our new school where I began the 6th grade. That’s the age where boys are starting to notice girls and girls are just mean especially to other girls. I wasn’t there a week when the class “Queen” Jill and her over jealous best friend Janice decided to pick a fight with the new girl. Yep that’d be me. One good thing about growing up with all brothers was that you got tough at a very young age. Still not sure to this day which one of us actually won that fight but no one picked on me ever again.That fight was the most memorable moment of the 6th grade but only for a few short weeks. Then my world became even worse.